Twogether from Dusseldorf had quite an eventful an" />
Twogether from Dusseldorf had quite an eventful an"/>

Twogether."Make Me Feel Alright"1973 Kraut Rock

2013-06-11 2 Dailymotion

Twogether." A Couple Of Times" 1973

Twogether from Dusseldorf had quite an eventful and vivid past before they released their two only records. At the beginning of the seventies, the best musicians of The Beathovens, Blue Squad and The Crew decided to found BBC for being able to play blues-rock. When in 1973 three of them quit the band, Reinhard Fischer and Klaus Bangert refused to look for substitutes and instead went on in two. Consequently, they named themselves Twogether and played only with drums and keyboards.

Line-up / Musicians
- Klaus Bangert /(vocals, organ, piano, synth
- Reinhard Fischer / drums, percussion, synth