
Black Ops 2 DIE RISE Gameplay - New Zombies Map - Revolution DLC

2013-06-09 1 Dailymotion

Gameplay on the map Die Rise from the Revolution Map Pack.
There will be more Die Rise gameplay in the future at: http://www.youtube.com/user/Vikkstar123HD

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"Black Ops 2" "Black" "Ops" "2" "Game" "Play" "Gameplay" "Black Ops 2 Gameplay" "Black Ops 2 DLC" "Black Ops 2 Map" "DLC" "Map" "Pack" "Black Ops 2 Map Pack" "Die Rise" "Black Ops 2 Die Rise" "Die Rise Black Ops 2" "Die Rise Map Black Ops 2" "Black Ops 2 Die Rise Map" "Revolution Map Die Rise" "Die Rise Revolution Map" "Revolution DLC" "Revolution Map Pack" "Revolution Gameplay" "Peacekeeper" "Black Ops 2 Peacekeeper" "Die Rise Gameplay"