
Xbox One Said to Kill PlayStation 4 During E3 - Nick's Gaming View Episode #189

2013-05-31 1 Dailymotion

Xbox One said to kill PlayStation 4 during E3, Grand Theft Auto V’s publisher comments on next-generation used games debate, and Electronic Arts expands elimination of online passes, THIS IS NICK’S GAMING VIEW!

Hello everyone and welcome to Nick’s Gaming View, you are here with your host, Nick McCandless. E3 2013 is just a couple weeks away and I know for a fact that gamers around the globe are eagerly anticipating both Microsoft and Sony going at it to prove why their console is the one to purchase this holiday season. Already starting the war, Craig Davidson, Director of Global Marketing at Microsoft, stated both “Xbox One will surprise the world during E3,” and “We will kill Sony at E3”. Mighty big statements if you ask me, let’s just hope Microsoft isn’t all talk and will truly come out and blow us all away.

With the use games debate regarding DRM being one of the most discussed topics in the realm of gaming, Take-Two, publisher of the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V, has commented on the topic stating “There's no question that if Microsoft has figured out a way to tax used games, then we should get paid, too,” Stating how they feel use game sales should be countered by finding ways to delight the customer, it will be interesting to see the used games and DRM debate officially unfold later this year and see how each and every company becomes involved.

Wrapping up Nick’s Gaming View, when Electronic Arts announced that they were retiring online passes for their games, gamers around the world cheered in excitement, but one thing that wasn’t clear was if the elimination of the online pass program applied to all existing titles. Thankfully Electronic Arts has confirmed that they are in the process of removing the program from all existing EA titles thanks to the feedback from the players.

Well that concludes today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View but be sure to follow me on Twitter @NickMcCandless and check back daily for Nick’s Gaming View for your daily access pass to all things gaming.