
Will Skyrim have Patrick Stewert from Star Trek? The All New Game Show wants to know!

2013-05-30 37 Dailymotion

Originally aired live on June 17, 2011. The All-New Game Show has returned, now in HD. Jim Festante, Nikole Zivalich and David Guida talk Duke Nukem Forever. Before they get into the Game of the Week they hit COMBO, quick hits of new you may have missed. Topics included rumors about the next Xbox 360, EAapos;s Origins vs Valveapos;s Steam, Gears of War 3 breaking on Jimmy Fallon, Assassinapos;s Creedapos;s ending, Battlefield 3 DLC and the drama over Duke Nukemapos;s PR. Duke Nukem Forever, the game that took 13 years to be released, was the game of the week. The show closed with Getting Down With The Classics, which of course means pole dancing. Make sure to follow The All-New Game Show on twitter @TheGameShowTV