
Virtually Unconscious

2014-05-13 1,020 0 Vimeo

'Virtually Unconscious' conveys the contemporary human struggle for anonymity amongst a pervasive digital enclosure of privatized data surveillance. This project does not support the use of TOR and does not discourage the use of social media, but rather encourages a greater contemplation of what we sacrifice while using 'free' digital media. Inspired by Stuart Hall. Animation// Chase Hochstatter _ cargocollective.com/chasehochstatter Peter Clark _ www.callmeclark.com Sound Design// Matthew Wesdock _ www.linkedin.com/in/mwesdo/ Voice Over// Noël Anderson _ https://www.behance.net/NoelChaseAnderson Published 2014 Designed as part of the 'Are We Content?' exhibition. www.arewecontent.com